LieblingIf you are giving or getting a puppy please hire Brooke Fagel of Palm Springs Dog Training. Our "pup" Liebling, who we adopted at 13 lbs. is now nearly 100 lbs. at just over one years old. As she was growing up, her strength and out of control behavior made us afraid to take her outside the house/yard. After Brookes 10 week program, we can now take Liebling anywhere! Although we had to learn the training along with our pup, by implementing what Brooke taught us, in-between sessions, we have a very well trained and very well mannered Large dog! So many sweet puppies end up back in the pound or locked away, (out of site, out of mind) and not really being "part" of your family because of lack of training. That was our Liebling before Brooke and Palm Springs Dog Training. Most people are looking at a 10 plus year commitment with a dog and having a well trained one, a socialized one and really having your pup/dog being able to be part of your family, is so worth it! Brooke trains with "positive" kindness, which is how we are as parents. Please consider Brooke and Palm Springs Dog Training as another part of what is needed in adding a new family member. Our once out of control large puppy/dog is now a full part of our family that we can feel confident and proud to take with us anywhere. Thank you Brooke!
– The Lambert Family – (Indio, Ca) |
Miss. MollyI would like to recommend Brooke Fagel of Palm Spring Dog Training for her outstanding training techniques. She displays a super ability to get and keep the dog's attention. She also "trains" the owner. She takes a personal interest in every aspect of the dog's training. Since my dog had been so abused prior to adopting her, there were two serious issues that had to be addressed. First, she had the bad habit of darting out the door and running off down the street. When pursued she would run further away. Secondly, when she came to live here there were two older Westies already here. She became jealous and aggressive. And on three occasions she went after the oldest Westie. I felt I might have to get rid of her. Fortunately, I had the good sense to hire Brook at Palm Springs Dog Training. And the rest is history, no more darting or aggressive behavior. Thank you Brooke for saving Little Miss Molly.
– Kris & JP – (Palm Springs, Ca) |
Lulu & FifiBrooke is the best of the very best. Our 2 year old Coton, Lulu, has had confidence issues since our senior fur baby passed away last March 2017. Sweetheart hides under our bed whenever we have visitors, goes bonkers when the door bell rings, has zero social skills with other dogs, doesn't trust or like our grand boys (ages 4 and 6) or our son in law. Loud sounds or even the slightest mundane change makes her dive underneath the bed for several hours. Now add in a brand new 10 week old "sister" to the equation and we have a growling, very unhappy and even more insecure fur baby. Lulu has gone through 2 rounds of puppy classes as well as a behavioral modification course. Just when I thought I'd have to leave the area to find a compassionate, intuitive, professional dog trainer, I found Brooke! I have to say it was truly my lucky day. It's been 2 weeks and there's already been a change in our darling Lulu. She's coming out from under the bed and putting herself in the same space as the grand kids and their dad. That's huge. She tries very hard to curb her instinct to herd me away from the front door and just today she came out to greet a stranger and sit within inches of our latest addition, Fifi. These may be small baby steps for some dogs but for Lulu it's monumental. I hope to see her happy and confident again in the very near future. As for Fifi, it's perfect timing for her to learn puppy manners. With Brooke's training and guidance, I am more optimistic than I've been in a long time knowing both Lulu and Fifi will grow to be emotionally healthy and happy dogs. If you're looking for a real dog whisperer, she's the one.
– Nikki H. – (Rancho Mirage, Ca) |